New Beginning AFCOG is the General Assembly for the National Fellowship Churches of God, Inc.

New Beginning / Jacksonville, FL
Our Mission
New Beginning is committed to building the kingdom of God and its mission is to minister to the spiritual needs of people everywhere, train Christian workers, and further win men, women, and children to a living faith in Jesus.
What We Believe
Accepting the Bible to be the inspired Word of God to man, and understanding the importance of knowing and obeying its truths, our church is committed to study and teach with diligence and authority. We strongly seek to teach the Scriptures to people that they may know God and serve Him in worship and ministry
What To Expect
We are a church family that is led by the Spirit, prays earnestly, worships sincerely, grows by the Word of God, and loves with the love of Christ. We welcome all with open arms and invite you to join us in worship.
Our Pastor
Bishop Ivan Grant, Jr. was officially installed as pastor April 2012. He has been an ordained minister of the gospel since March 2008. Continuing in his charge to “preach Jesus Christ, and Him crucified”, his ministry focuses on the word of God and realizing Jesus as life’s supreme treasure and joy.

The National Fellowship Churches of God, Inc. (NFCOG) is a governing parent organization for Bible-based churches of all denominations – supporting mission, member and covenant churches in providing spiritual guidance, education through its Bible Institute, and various ministries including its Uth4Christ youth group.